Secret Death Touches – Text Presentation

Secret Death Touches – Text Presentation

Product Name: Secret Death Touches – Text Presentation

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How he used a near-mythical Chinese “Death Touch” to make the Kung Fu legend’s brain explode inside his head…

And how you can use this same forbidden technique… along with 11 more of the most deadly “one touch” death moves on the planet…

To disable, cripple and even KILL any attacker…robber… or violent criminal who threatens the safety of you and your loved ones.

Plus, it can work no matter how old you are, what your physical condition is… or whether the assailant is heavily armed.

Remember though: all the moves and strikes I’m talking about are absolutely forbidden all over the world in any official fighting competition – such as boxing galas, or martial arts tournaments.

Even though I was a marine for 20 years…

I was completely unprepared when two men pulled a gun on me and my grandchildren.

We were in the parking lot of a TOY STORE for god’s sake…

Telling me he wouldn’t think twice about “splattering his little brains all over the concrete” if I didn’t do as he said…

I’d never felt more powerless or scared.

I gave them everything they asked for… my wallet… my cell phone… my car keys.

They even took the big shopping bag that was filled with a new Lego set I’d just bought for my grandkids…

And then, before I could even process what was happening…

They sped off in MY CAR… leaving me stunned and shocked… and trying desperately to comfort my sobbing and confused grandchildren.  

Right then and there I decided that I would do everything in my power to make sure this NEVER happened again.

But what I didn’t realize at the time was that this promise would lead me deep into the heart of China…

Eventually bringing me to the deathbed of a man who had been a MASTER of martial arts for more than 70 years…

And who in his last dying breaths… made a confession that will shock the world…

At first I didn’t believe him…

But after learning the forbidden, one-touch “Death Move” the man used…

Along with 11 other of his “instant-kill” techniques that are so surprisingly simple that anyone can master them in a matter of days…

Even if you can barely walk without a cane… or are in your 90s and only weigh 110 pounds…

It was impossible for me to discount this man’s gruesome and tragic story.

Now inside of this short presentation… which is putting my LIFE in danger just by showing on the Internet…

I’ll tell you exactly who this purported ASSASSIN is… along with the surprisingly large body of evidence suggesting that he really DID kill the most famous Kung Fu legend of all time.  

But even more importantly…  

And how you can start using them in the next half an hour… to keep both yourself, and all of those you love, protected forever.

So let’s cut right to it.

My name is Robert Lawrence. I’m 59 years old and live about 45 minutes out of Detroit.

As a retired marine who has seen combat, I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty tough guy… the kind of guy who was ready for anything… and who could always look out for himself…

But when those two gunmen jumped me and my grandchildren outside of the toy store on December 14, 2011…

I had a rude awakening…

And it was the most humiliating experience of my life.

I realized that even though I’d been trained in hand-to-hand combat by some of the best military forces in the world…

When there had been a gun pointed at my chest… and another pressed to my eight-year-old grandson Eric’s head…

In fact, maybe the only thing that hurt more than that feeling of helplessness, was the nightmares that Eric, and his little brother Daniel had for the months after the incident…

They didn’t feel safe even walking to the bus stop… and when I offered to take them out for ice cream, or to go back to the toy store, they’d throw a fit and say they were too scared.

The little ones just didn’t feel safe with grandpa anymore and, if I’m being honest, I don’t think that their mom, or my wife, did either.

All I could think about… all I could obsess about… was making sure that something like this NEVER happened to me or my family again.

My first thought was to go out and buy a new gun. But what would that accomplish? I already HAD several guns… and in fact one of them had been in my car when me and the grandkids were attacked.

Of course, I could be better about always carrying my gun ON ME at all times…

But even that didn’t make me feel much more confident. Because even if you have a gun in a holster on your leg…

If an armed man gets the jump on you, and points a gun at your face…

Reaching down to pull out your weapon is more than likely going to get you… and the ones you’re with… shot dead.

So with guns ruled out, another option I considered was taking self-defense classes.

I’m pretty sure I already knew more self-defense techniques than any instructor… especially considering my training as a marine.

Or there were also martial arts classes – but the last thing I was interested in was spending thousands of dollars, and several years of my life… to be in a karate studio with a bunch of 12 year olds… trying to eventually earn some rainbow-colored belt that a TRUE martial arts master would just laugh at anyways.

And the anxiety kept building up inside of me, day after day…

Because if I, an ex-marine, couldn’t defend myself or my grandkids from two thugs…

What hope would my wife… or my daughter… have in a similar situation?

I mean in my case, the gunmen had only wanted my car and my money…

But what if it had been my beautiful daughter Sandra who was alone in that parking lot with these two gun-pointing gangsters?

My worrying got so bad that I could hardly sleep…

And it was late one night while I was lying on the sofa… suffering from another bout of this anxiety-induced insomnia…

That the turning point to all of my fears and anxiety suddenly fell into my lap.

Except of course, I didn’t realize it at the time.

You see, it was around 3:30 am, and the TV station I was watching was showing an old Bruce Lee movie.

Watching the way Lee moved, his incredible athleticism, his grace… it made me smile…

I remembered how much I’d admired him as a kid growing up…

How he’d seemed so invincible, as if no one in the world could ever defeat him…

And how just like the rest of the world, I’d been SHOCKED when he tragically died at such an early age.

‘How did he die?’ I wondered to myself.

And because I couldn’t remember, I grabbed my laptop, and started searching on Google…

At the time, he was considered to be in peak physical condition.

Three weeks later… he was dead.

When doctors performed an autopsy on Lee, they found that his brain had swollen by 13% and ruptured…

Yet just hours earlier, he’d been reviewing a movie script with a big Hollywood producer, and had said he felt completely fine.

And in the 40 years since his tragic and untimely death… the real cause has always been a mystery.

Plus as I kept researching, things kept getting weirder…

You see: what I discovered is that ever since his death, there’d been a rumor that Bruce Lee was MURDERED.

And not by poison, or a weapon, or anything else you’d expect…

But by a deadly martial arts assassin.

Specifically, it was speculated that Bruce Lee was killed by something called the Quivering Palm technique…

And that this move was part of a “shadow” discipline of martial arts known as “death touches.”

I’d never heard of a “death touch” before… but the name itself was enough to send shivers down my spine…

And as I began to research these death touches more thoroughly… it was as if an entire new world was being opened right in front of my eyes.

You see: a small group of experts in the martial arts community have always been aware of “death touches”…

In fact, in 1985, Black Belt magazine…

Which is the most prestigious publication in the martial arts world…

Went so far as to run a cover story speculating that Bruce Lee’s death was a result of receiving a death touch while in combat.

Now what makes these “death touches” so fascinating is that they you don’t need much physical strength… or decades of grueling training… to use them.

Instead, the real reason these death touches are so mysterious and so controversial…

Is that virtually NOBODY in the world had even been able to prove they’re real.

Occasionally linked to mysterious combat deaths here and there…but never confirmed.

But while these death touches had never been proven to exist…

There was a lot of literature out there speculating how they would work in theory.

You see while it may sound weird, these death touches were said to be pretty similar to the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture…

In acupuncture, the practitioner targets different pressure points in the body…

And by gently inserting needles to these pressure points, he or she is able to trigger intense physical reactions – reactions that then affect the overall health in your body.

When it comes to ancient death touches, it’s basically the same concept…

Except instead of applying “healing touches” to the core pressure points of the body…

A martial arts master applies “deadly touches” to those pressure points.

So in other words, these death touches weren’t about doing a bunch of ninja kicks… or being incredibly strong…

They were simply about applying a small amount of force to certain “zones” of the body…

And that once triggered, caused the body to INSTANTLY shut down.

Well needless to say, I was intrigued.

I mean not only was the idea of some secret and forbidden martial art fascinating in its own right…

But I also realized that if, somehow, I were able to learn just ONE of these legendary death touches…

I’d be putting myself in a dramatically better position to ensure something like what happened outside of the toy store never occurred again.

So I started searching for answers…

I reached out to martial arts “masters” across the U.S. – sending emails, making phone calls, even driving out to meet with them in person.

I didn’t beat around the bush: I simply told them who I was, and that I was looking to find out anything I could about the ancient art of the Chinese Death Touch.

Unfortunately, most of the martial arts instructors and masters I talked to said I was wasting my time…

They said “death touches” were just a legend, and that I’d be much better served plunking down a few grand, and taking classes with them for the next few years.

A much smaller number of the experts I spoke with said that they DID believe death touches were real…

That they knew somebody who knew somebody who had seen them used in combat…

But that even if I were to meet someone who truly knew how to use these deadly moves…

They said there was simply NO WAY they would ever admit it to me, an “untrained and inexperienced old man”

And so after more than four months of searching obsessively, I was about ready to give up.

I wanted SO BADLY to know once and for all if these death touches were real or not…  both just from a curiosity perspective… but also because of the protection they could bring my family…

But it seemed like this was one of those mysteries that’s destined to remain unsolved.

In a final move of desperation… I started posting on martial arts forums on the Internet.

I explained my story, and what I was after…

I received hundreds of emails…

Most of them from would-be con artists who were looking for a quick and easy score…

And a few from people who seemed credible at first… but whose story fell apart when I asked how they would PROVE to me that their knowledge of death touches were real.

And I’d pretty much given up hope…

The subject line simply said “The Way”…

And the email was sent from a “.CN” (dot China)  address.

Inside there was one short paragraph…

But what the writer said made my heart race.

“You want to know way of the death touch. I have been waiting for this question my whole life. But you will need to come to China. I do not want your money.

Well you probably won’t be surprised to hear that I was EXTREMELY skeptical at first…

And I replied immediately, asking Li to give me some kind of proof that he knew anything at all about death touches, and that this wasn’t just some kind of scam.

It took me eight days to get a reply, and when it finally did come, I didn’t know what to make of it.

Here’s a copy of the email below:

“I cannot tell you more over e-mail. Only if you come to China will you learn.  

You ask how I prove knowledge. I will show you first hand. But you must come soon. I am dying.

Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, China”

Well my wife SCREAMED at me and said I was crazy… and so did my kids…

Then taking a 6-hour train ride to the outskirts of a city called Shuozhou…

Until finally, I reached the address that Li had given me.

It was a small modest home… maybe 1,500 square feet in size…

And when an ancient looking man answered the door and…

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Originally posted 2022-12-01 02:51:11.

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