Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture

Product Name: Forward Head Posture

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For men and women who want to get rid of their texting neck, fix their posture in order to move, sleep and breathe better

Wednesday September 14, 2022

You do your best to get results from your workouts… you eat well, you train hard and yet you still feel like you’re falling short of hitting your peak.

Low energy, grogginess, shortage of breath and neck and back pain are just some of the problems you may be suffering from. But why? How does a perfectly healthy, athletic individual who eats well and trains hard STILL suffer?

Let me explain… there’s a problem which no less than 90% of the US population suffers from.

It’s a problem that nobody is tackling, that doctors are failing to diagnose and which poses just as many health risks as obesity…

… and you’re probably suffering from it, too.

It affects nearly everyone, no matter what your age or level of fitness. It’s a problem that originates in just one area of your body but affects your overall health, including your mental as well as your physical state.

It’s forward head posture… also known as texting neck.

You’ve probably seen it yourself, in those guys and girls who are physically active but walk around with a chicken head or giraffe neck.

Instead of a powerful, strong chest, their shoulders are hunched forward, their head droops down and their curved back almost gives them a hump.

It looks weak, unhealthy and unsightly. And it undoes all their hard work.

Your neck is designed to remain vertical, supporting the weight of your skull in a perfect line from the top of your head straight down through your body to your feet.

When you look at yourself in the mirror from the side, your ear, your shoulder and your hips should all be in a straight line down to the floor. If it is unaligned and your ear is in front of your shoulders, it’s a sure sign of forward head posture.

You see, the average head weighs 10-12lbs. When your head sits perfectly upon your neck and shoulders, the body naturally adapts to holding this weight.

But if your head is constantly pulled forward, the weight of your head pulls on your neck and puts pressure on your spine.

When your head is pulled forward the additional pressure on your neck, shoulders and back rises dramatically causing serious tissue damage. In fact, every inch your head is thrust forward from its natural position adds another 10 lbs of stress on the neck, shoulders, back and spine.

It’s why you may have developed that ugly ‘hump’ below your neck; to combat the stress of holding your head up, the body’s reaction has been to build-up bone and fat tissue to compensate and protect the spine at the C7 vertebrae.

Forward head posture doesn’t just leave you looking awkward… No matter how hard you train or how well you eat, unless you start fixing your head posture right now, it may not be possible to reverse the damage already done.

Before I explain why your posture could be killing you, let me introduce myself.

My name is Mike Westerdal and I’m a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist, personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor and founder of the internet’s longest-standing strength site,

Shortly, I’ll explain to you how it’s possible to fix your forward head posture using just 10 really simple movements that instantly improve your posture and increase your strength, energy and vitality.

But first, let me show you the many ways forward head posture is damaging your health and holding you back.

Although few realize they have a posture problem, fewer still realize how many problems are caused by Forward Head Posture.

The most obvious concern is the physical appearance….

As the main connector between your upper torso and skull, the neck has the crucial task of cradling the body’s computer — the brain.

When I personally discovered that I suffered from Forward Head Posture, I was shocked at the impact it had on my health. The number of symptoms I could directly trace back to poor posture was just as shocking.

Not only does Forward Head Posture give your back that ugly hunch and crouched-over look… it also causes much deeper, serious problems including:

If you’ve suffered any of these without realizing the root problem was Forward Head Posture, you’re not alone.

Forward Head Posture or FHP affects nearly everybody, yet hardly anyone understands the serious long-term physical and mental damage it can cause.

And it’s the most important muscle in your neck that dictates just how strong and healthy our posture and well-being is.

Your neck is literally the BRIDGE between your head and your body. It’s the balance beam from which good posture flows.

Although there are a number of major muscles in the neck and back, there is one “vital” muscle at the front of your neck which does all the lifting…

… that muscle is: the sternocleidomastoid.

The sternocleidomastoid originates at the breastplate (sternum) and collar bone (clavicle) and inserts at the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the skull.

When your sternocleidomastoid is strong and supple, your head sits perfectly upon your neck. The body follows the head. When your head is properly aligned as it should be the rest of the spine falls into place.

By holding your head in place it maintains your spine in a healthy, lengthened position and removes stress and tension from your upper, middle and lower back muscles. Your upper torso is optimally lengthened, keeping your windpipe clear and allowing maximum intake of breath into your lungs, increasing oxygen levels and improving brain function.

When you eliminate forward head posture, you…

This muscle is the key to your postural health. But any imbalance or weakness in this vital connection between your head and torso sends shockwaves through your body.

And what is the No.1 cause of this imbalance that causes weakness in your sternocleidomastoid muscle?

For a long time we’ve known about the twin problems of texting and using a computer.

But no-one realized just how far the damage could go.

Regardless of how much you hit the gym, how well you eat or how much you look after your body, hours spent sitting at a desk with your neck craned over a keyboard or constantly arching your head down to look at your smart phone eats away at your health in ways you could never predict.

Every minute you spend in these deadly positions contributes to even more long-term pain and damage to your body.

It’s like the old man’s hunch curving your body forward with your shoulders dropped making you look weak, submissive and shorter than you really are. The curve of your neck and back means you may drop height by a couple of inches and look a lot older than you are.

If you have poor head posture, the effects go beyond physical. Forward head posture can have a seriously detrimental effect on your mood, sapping your energy, leading to depressed thoughts and hitting your confidence hard.

Forward head posture kills the quality of your sleep and you’re more likely to suffer from sleep apnea when you have FHP. Due to the misalignment of your head and torso, your airway can become blocked when you sleep which starves your brain of oxygen, severely disrupts sleep quality and leads to snoring.

When your brain does not get the blood and oxygen it requires to function, you’ll often experience side effects like headaches and migraines.

Without the rest you need your work, relationships and energy levels will be negatively affected.

Forward Head Posture or what some people call “turtle neck” has been shown to lead to a decrease in the strength in the muscles involved in breathing which will decrease your breathing and can reduce your lung capacity by 30% affecting athletic performance.

Poor head posture has been proven to decrease testosterone by 20% and it increases fat storing cortisol hormone levels by 25%.

When the problem seems so obvious and the symptoms appear so damaging, you have to ask, why isn’t more being done to fix forward head

Why are doctors and physicians so reluctant to diagnose the problem as postural?

Go complaining to your doctor of back pain, and they’ll treat the symptom by suggesting back pain exercises or ways of relieving the pain locally often with medication.

Because forward head posture presents so many different symptoms, which often look similar or identical to other problems, it’s never obvious whether forward head posture is the root of all of these symptoms.

That’s why doctors normally blame the symptoms on lack of exercise or stress.

They’re wrong, of course, because EVEN IF you do exercise regularly you can STILL suffer from forward head posture, simply because of how you sit or text day after day.

As you can see, it’s not your fault.

But now that you know this, you have the choice to be able to do something about it…

… and do something before it’s TOO LATE.

Understanding the cause is a starting point.

The internet has many experts and personal trainers who are only too willing to share their techniques for dealing with forward head posture.

They usually suggest some form of static stretching to lengthen the back and neck, which may give you a little relief initially.

However, static stretching only provides temporary relief in pain, muscle tension and an increase in movement but within a few hours, your forward head posture is back to the way it was since the stretch did not target the main cause of your head forward posture.

You just can’t correct the damage that has already been done with static stretching alone. There needs to be a combination of corrective exercise and other techniques to open up and release the neck while activating other muscles so you can return to a balanced state with proper movement in the neck.

You see what the online ‘experts’ have all wrong is this…

When you see how deeply connected the muscles around your neck and back are to each other, you realize there has to be a right order in which to exercise these for optimal effect.

You literally have to “unwind” the right muscles one-by-one in the right order to really target them.

If you don’t, you’re wasting your time doing ANY stretching. You need to hit the muscles from different directions using a combination of exercise techniques to properly target them.

Once you know the right way to do it, you can learn to fix your head posture on your own.

To explain in detail, I’d like to introduce Rick Kaselj MS, a leading kinesiologist and injury specialist and co-creator of Clickbank’s best-seller, Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

When guys working in the fitness industry want to discover the latest techniques for the benefit of their own clients, there’s only one place to go: Rick, who has presented more than 352 live presentations to 8,404 health professionals in the US and Canada.

When we were working with Rick on a previous project, he visited our offices one day for a meeting and was shocked to see the whole Critical Bench team slouched over our desks in our office.

Despite knowing we were fitness guys who were physically at the top of our game, he couldn’t believe how poor we’d let our posture become simply through working in an office environment.

In less than 15 minutes, Rick had performed a rapid unraveling sequence on Coach Chris that showed us how to improve our posture and get rid of that ugly texting neck almost instantly.

Muscle Re-Education Drills

If your neck has been thrust forward for too long carrying too much weight, it needs some serious re-alignment. These drills re-educating your muscles to put your head in the right position again.

Deep belly breathing helps release tension in the neck, shoulders, back and the whole body so your muscles will relax and help bring the head and body into balance.

The more your head moves forward, the more your joints lock up. Mobility movements are used to unlock the joints in your spine to decrease the stress and damage.

Deep Cervical Flexor Training

The cervical flexors sit at the back of your neck and their weakness causes your head to drop forward. Recent research has shown that re-training the flexors is the key to restoring balance of your head.

This therapeutic technique loosens up and lengthens muscles that have become shortened and helps to relieve trigger points that have built up.

Targets shortened muscles in order to lengthen and elongate them. Done in the correct sequence static stretching can be very effective.

Now that we have unraveled the head, neck and upper body by targeting all the muscles and joints that are affected by FHP, we need to work on keeping things in that new, ideal beneficial posture.

Not only did Rick’s 15-minute sequence help every member of the team eliminate forward head posture, just two days later, as a direct result of my improved posture, I hit a new PR on my deadlift. All from a quick 15-minute fix. Keeping my spine neutral was a trick that not even my pro level powerlifter friends knew about.

After seeing the results…

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Forward Head Posture is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Originally posted 2022-09-14 15:21:32.

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