How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally

How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally

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Nowadays, everyone tells me I’m ‘naturally lean’.

In fact, I’ve been overweight with man boobs ever since I was 11. The happiest day of my life was when I found out that…

I’m going to tell you my story because I’ll bet you can relate to it. It doesn’t matter how young/old you are, or how big/small your man boobs are. Anyone who struggles with any form of man boobs will know what I’m talking about.

And I will do more than just tell you my story. If you read my story to the end (it won’t be online for long), I will give you…

Remember though, this page won’t be up for long, so read my story now while you can.

If you’re like most guys, you’ve probably been racking your brains over this for years. Or decades like me.

Why do you not have a flat masculine chest? Even though it’s your birth-right as a man?

I remember the first time I had to take my shirt off in public. I was in the 7th grade. We were in the locker room after football practice. Everyone had taken off their shirts before they entered the locker room.

Man boobs were rare back in the day, and I was the only one who had them. All the other guys had perfectly flat chests. Heck, even the fat guys had flat chests.

Unfortunately the guys had already seen my man boobs, bouncing up and down on the field. It wasn’t long before one of the guys – Pete (whose name I’ll never forget) – came up to me and started teasing me about my ‘bitch tits’.

The worst day of my life! Getting ridiculed in the locker room at school.

Soon enough I was the laughing stock of the locker room. The kids at my school never took me seriously again.

That day I wanted to go home and do a thousand pushups.

And I was so sore the next day, that I couldn’t go into school. But the real truth was that I was too embarrassed.

For the next 30 years I lived a life of misery. Maybe some of the following points will sound familiar to you:

And who could blame them?

Thankfully, I’m not a guy who quits easy.

For almost 30 years I tried everything under the sun. I tried every different type of exercise you can think of…

Weight training, powerlifting, cardio, pilates, boxing, kick boxing, yoga… the list goes on.

I also tried every diet that was out there. In those years of mastering the art of diet and exercise, I mastered the art of losing weight. But the trouble was that…

No matter how much weight I lost, my man boobs just wouldn’t go away.

So I decided to try taking pills and supplements. Being as crazy as I am, I tried every pill that offered any theoretical possibility of getting rid of man boobs (shhh even some that weren’t strictly legal).

I actually tried so many pills that… I started to suffer from heart problems in my late twenties!

Eventually at 35 I managed to save up enough money for surgery.

The results weren’t that great. My man boobs were a little smaller, but they were still there. My doctor told me it was ‘post-surgical swelling’. He told me it would go away in a few weeks, and yeh, you guessed it.

5 years after my surgery I still had man boobs. On my 40th birthday I decided to throw in the towel. I decided to give up. And you know what?

Now at 41, I’m a different person. I sport a trim, firm chest, and a great set of abs as a bonus. I no longer have puffy nipples, and I am eager to take my shirt off in the sun, at the beach, or at the pool.

So what happened after my 40th birthday that turned everything around?

Well I’ll tell you what happened after I tell you what I did. I embraced the truth…

The best exercise for losing man boobs is…

Now this may come as a surprise to you. There is a time and a place for chest exercises done correctly of course. But I saw my chest flatten out long before I did a single pushup or bench press, before I ever even thought about working my chest.

Here’s why this is the truth…

If you focus too much on directly training your chest – you’re just going to build the muscles underneath your man boobs.

If you only do chest exercises, you’ll end up with bigger man boobs!

Now that’s great if you want bigger man boobs, but that’s not what most of us want. Not only that, but direct chest exercises can push your body into a state of ‘overtraining’.

When this happens, Your body starts to really hold onto those man boobs. It feels worn out, and makes you not want to work out. It can even increase your cravings for fattening, sugary foods.

Now maybe you’ve tried doing chest exercises, only to stop a few days or a few weeks later. I don’t know, perhaps you tried some other methods that didn’t quite work out for you…

Before I tell you, let me tell you another quick 30 second story, about how some extra attention from women, once you have a flat masculine chest, can really boost your confidence.

I was at a salsa bar a couple of weeks ago, With 3 of my old school buddies. Like most guys in their 40s, these guys were pretty out of shape.

You’ll get much more attention from women when you’ve got a broad, flat, masculine chest.

And at one point we started talking to a group of hot young ladies. We were joking around with them, just having a good time. And out of nowhere, the hottest girl in the group comes up to me, and says in a flirtatious voice:

“Hey, you look like you’ve got an amazing body. I wanna check it out”

And then she just pulls up my T-shirt and starts running her hands over my chest. This made some of the other girls come over too. And for the first time in my life, I was the center of the party.

And despite being a humble person…

And my college buddies? They were totally embarrassed. Because they didn’t have what I did. In fact, two of them had man boobs, and the other had a huge belly hanging over his belt.

Now please don’t get me wrong. I’m not boasting here. This doesn’t happen to me all the time. But I can guarantee you from personal experience, you’ll get a lot more attention from the ladies when you’re sporting a broad, flat, masculine chest.

In fact, in several recent surveys, women voted the chest as being the most appealing part of a man’s body. They even voted the chest as being sexier than biceps or abs.

Ok, so we’ve already mentioned how direct chest exercises can be one of the biggest time-wasters, actually one of the least effective ways for getting rid of man boobs and getting that perfectly flat chest.

So bear with me for a moment as I share with you…

Key #1: Exercising long and hard is not the key.

It might help you to lose weight, but when it comes to losing man boobs, you need something more.

I know a couple of guys with man boobs, who can do over 1,000 pushups, all in one go.

That’s right, one THOUSAND.

Have you tried doing just one hundred? Most people can’t do more than 20. So 1,000 pushups is intense! But despite that, these guys still have their man boobs!

Guys with man boobs do some crazy things. I know 4 guys that started competing in marathons to get rid of their man boobs. And 2 that became seasoned triathletes

Reaching the pinnacle of fitness by competing in marathons and triathlons, helped these guys to lose weight, but did not help them to lose their man boobs!

If you want to lose your man boobs, it’s crucial that you know, that exercising long and hard is just not enough.

The secret lies in exercising smart.

It’s about doing the right type of exercise. The type that signals your body to actively reduce the size of your breasts.

And the good news is you don’t have to do hours of boring cardio 3 or more days a week. In fact, you don’t ever have to work out for longer than a few minutes at a time.

Yeh, I know – sounds like another gimmick. But I promise you it’s not. These exercises stimulate the body’s hormonal system, so your man boobs shrink and you burn fat for the entire day, after your workout

The key is to signal your body to burn fat while you rest after exercise.

And don’t worry. I’m going to tell you about these unique workouts in just a couple of minutes from now.

As a bonus, these exercises won’t just help you to lose your man boobs, they will also help you to lose weight and get a killer body.

Just to illustrate, I was at a beach wedding last summer. One of the guests, a guy, came up to me and said:

“I run marathons… but you’ve got a better body than me. What’s your secret?”

You know what I told him?

“Stop running marathons!”

Key #2: There’s more to losing man boobs than just weight loss.

There’s more to it than just cutting calories, eating healthy, exercising, or burning fat.

Now don’t get me wrong. Most guys with man boobs will lose their man boobs if they lose weight. But there is a problem with this approach. Let me explain.

It’s quite simple really. We’ve all seen the fat guy who doesn’t have man boobs. He might have a belly the size of a small planet, but his chest is as flat as a surfboard.

If you have man boobs, then you have to use a different approach than the average fat guy with a flat chest.

You however, are different from that guy. Whether you are fat or skinny, you have man boobs and he does not. Even a fat guy with man boobs, has a different hormone profile and body chemistry than just a regular fat guy.

Let the fat guy worry about weight loss, while you focus on losing man boobs. The good news is, losing your man boobs will also help you to lose weight.

This is a really important one.

It’ll literally save you hundreds or thousands of dollars.

…You do not need any of these bogus gynecomastia pills, that almost every shady website on the internet is trying to scam you with.

Now, while there are supplements that really can help you in your goal for losing man boobs, the ones that are currently on the market, advertised specifically for losing man boobs, are a complete waste of your money.

In almost every website on losing man boobs, you’ll see ads and endorsements for these so-called chest fat burning pills. They do nothing but feed on your hope and hard-earned cash. They do not help you lose man boobs.

If you look at the ingredients closely, you’ll see that they only contain some metabolism-boosting ingredients that may help you a little with weight loss, but do nothing specifically for man boobs.

So stay as far away as you can from these stimulant-based weight loss scams. The supplements that can help you, are not advertised as gynecomastia pills, or even weight-loss pills.

Ok so now that we’ve covered these 3 powerful keys on losing man boobs naturally…

Well, let me introduce you to my new friend. He’s a professional man boobs expert, a certified fitness trainer, a sports scientist, and a certified nutrition specialist, Gary Davidson.

Remember the story on my 40th birthday? When I gave up and threw in the towel, I decided to move back to my home town in Miami, where, for the first time, I took off my shirt and started to walk around topless, no longer giving a damn about what people would say about my man boobs.

Garry saw me one day and approached me. He somehow managed to comment on my man boobs without offending me.

He told me I should see a doctor, as there may be some underlying disease. I told him I’d already done that . There was no disease, surgery didn’t work, and there was nothing I could do.

Garry then explained to me what he does, and offered me a free consultation. I hesitated, but took him up on his offer…

In 3 months I lost 2 pounds of fat in total, just from my man boobs. I also lost 7.5 pounds of fat from the rest of my body.

2 pounds of chest fat compared to 7.5 pounds of overall body fat.

Considering how small the chest is compared to the rest of the body, that means I was losing chest fat a hell of a lot quicker than fat from anywhere else in my body.

It took me about 5 months before my chest was completely flat. Now I know you’re probably thinking 5 months is a long time. But I was a special case, the most challenging in fact that Garry had ever faced.

I met a lot of his other clients, and most got the results they wanted in just 8 weeks.

Now, about Garry’s methods. They are tried, tested and proven, not just by me, but by thousands of people, just like you and me. In fact, to date, over 154,000 people in 122 different countries have benefited from Garry’s approach to losing man boobs.

He has taken all of the approaches that worked for all of his clients, and put them together in a quick guide that anyone can use to get rid of man boobs.

It’s called ‘How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally’. It’s straight to the point and it works. Trust me. Garry’s the real deal and he really helped me to finally get that flat chest that I have always wanted.

Garry’s guide is literally the only program you will ever need to achieve that flat masculine chest that you long to see in the bathroom mirror…

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How To Lose Man Boobs Naturally is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Originally posted 2022-11-16 01:07:26.

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