I Rented A House In An Straight Up Evil Portal | Vibration Leap

I Rented A House In An Straight Up Evil Portal | Vibration Leap

Product Name: I Rented A House In An Straight Up Evil Portal | Vibration Leap

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I Rented A House In An Straight Up Evil Portal | Vibration Leap

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I Rented A House In An Straight Up Evil Portal | Vibration Leap is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


I had just crawled into bed with my fiancé when I realized I needed to use the bathroom.

The upstairs bathroom was being remodeled, so I headed downstairs instead.

It was late, I was tired, and looking forward to climbing back into my warm bed.

Because of this, I took the stairs, two at a time.

Almost to the bathroom, I glanced at the closed basement door.

I did my business and washed my hands, and as I shut the light off in the bathroom, I noticed that the basement door was now WIDE OPEN.

Within seconds, fear started creeping in.

My instincts told me something was wrong, and I was shocked to see why…

Glancing towards the open door, I saw a pair of red eyes, and a human-shaped figure standing right there inside the doorway.

I froze, stopped dead in my tracks.

It was as if time stood still, and I knew… just knew this was it.

For a few moments, all I could do was stand there – like a deer caught in the headlights.

Then, for whatever reason, I was suddenly able to move again.

I flew back up the stairs, ran into my bedroom, slammed the door behind me, and locked it.

Finally, I was able to catch my breath, and told my fiancé what had happened.

He didn’t believe me, of course.

Knowing he probably wouldn’t be getting any sleep otherwise; he decided to humor me and went to check the basement door.

This rattled him a little, but he decided to investigate further.

Upon opening the door, he saw a pair of muddy footprints right at the top of the steps.

It was as if someone had walked up the basement steps, stood there, and simply disappeared.

But here’s the thing…

You can’t access the basement from the outside.

There are no doors, and only a few windows that would only allow a small child to climb through…

This was one of the most terrifying nights of my life, but it was also the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

After that night, my entire world spiraled out of control.

No matter how long I slept, I was always exhausted.

I had always been healthy, but suddenly I had all these aches and pains that would not go away.

I became miserable, mean, and critical.

My fiancé and I argued constantly, and, within a few weeks, we stopped speaking altogether.

I came home one day to a note: my fiancé had left to save his sanity.

Work was a mess; I could not seem to do anything right.

Projects that should have been easy to finish mysteriously dragged on for weeks.

My co-workers avoided me like the plague, and my boss was on me like white on rice.

He seemed to be looking for any reason to get rid of me, and it was not long before he fired me.

Without a job or my fiancé to help with the bills, I lost the house too.

I was homeless, jobless, and completely alone.

I spent my days camped out on a friend’s couch, too depressed to do anything other than watch old reruns on the TV.

I knew I should be combing job ads, putting out resumes, or doing whatever it is successful people do, but somehow, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Deep down, I believed I was destined to fail.

I had already lost my fiancé, my job, and my home, so surely that meant one of two things:

I was a terrible person in a past life, or my “luck” had simply run out.

I was overwhelmed with anger, hopelessness, and utter betrayal.

Life seemed unfair, and I could not understand why everyone else got to live the “perfect life,” complete with…

…but I seemed destined to fail.

All morning my roommate had been dropping hints that I had overstayed my welcome.

I decided to try one last time to find a job, and I headed to the local library.

Soon after taking my seat, I noticed an odd little old man sitting next to me.

He was short; so short that he sat on a pillow to see the computer screen.

He wore a battered golf hat, and his dark brown eyes shone with compassion and kindness.

He looked a little ridiculous sitting there, and just as I started to laugh, he looked over and gave me the warmest smile I have ever seen.

Suddenly, all the worry and fear I was experiencing melted away.

He glanced over at my screen, and for whatever reason I felt somewhat uncomfortable.

I did not know the man, but for some reason, I wanted to make him proud.

Just as I went to resume my search, he raised a hand and asked, “Mind giving me a hand down those stairs?”

I nodded, slid off my stool, and slowly helped him out of the library.

By the time we reached the bottom of the steps, he looked winded, so I suggested we sit on the bench a moment.

“Sounds great. Thanks for your help,” he said. “I’m Thomas.”

As we sat down, the sun shined down on us, birds twittering away like you would see on a Disney movie.

In this moment, I felt more at peace than I had felt in months…

Suddenly, I had this urge to tell him everything.

It took about an hour to get the whole story out, and by the end, I felt drained.

“I’ve done everything I can think of.” I sighed.

While telling him what I had been going through was difficult, I felt an overwhelming sense of calm.

I wished I could stay on that bench forever.

Thomas then put his hand gently on my shoulder, looked me square in the eyes, and said something that would shatter my beliefs about the world and everything in it.

I knew that there were three dimensions, maybe even four… but twelve?

I could not comprehend how that was possible, nor could I see the correlation of how this applied to me and my screwed-up life.

But he continued, explaining that our universe has many dimensions of space invisible to us.

And although we cannot see them, they influence us.

These unseen dimensions contain both positive and negative energies, and they can attach themselves to you, whether you want them to or not.

Negative energies are often called “dark entities”, and they thrive on taking advantage of the weak.

Physical illness, stress, trauma, heartache, and other challenges weaken you, making you “energy candy” for these dark entities.

They feed off your suffering, and they will do anything in their power to mess up your life, health, finances, relationships, and so on.

I stared at him, shocked, and I wondered…

Could this be why so many bad things have happened to me recently?

Why nothing seems to go right, no matter what I do?

I shuddered to think of how many dark entities could be attached to me right now, sucking the life, love, and hope right out of me.

And even though what he told me seemed more like something from a movie, it made a lot of sense.

I could not help but think, everything was fine until I moved into that house.

My hair stood on end just thinking about it.

Thomas saw the look of disbelief on my face, but he continued.

He explained that numerous studies have been done, many from Ivy League Universities, all proving that there are, in fact, twelve different dimensions.

But this is only half the story.

Thomas went on, explaining that there are specific parts of your body that are especially sensitive to energy.

They are called “energy nexuses,” and they are energy portals within the human energy field.

Each one is a whirling vortex through which cosmic energy flows in and out of a person.

He further explained that these dark entities that exist can block your nexuses, making it impossible for you to receive energy from the Universe.

When one of your “nexuses” is drained of energy, your whole body suffers.

You feel depleted; physically, mentally, and spiritually…

Knowing you are alone, feeling incapable of attracting a partner who loves and values you for who you are.

By preventing these dark entities from draining your own life-force, these nexuses can be restored to the vibrant, energy-giving forces they were always meant to be.

Could it be possible that the desperate struggle that triggered the loss of my fiancé, my home, and my job wasn’t necessarily a bad thing?

That perhaps it was exactly what needed to happen to lead me to this moment?

As things began making more and more sense, I was so excited that I nearly leapt off the bench!

I realized there is no limit to what is possible once your energy centers are aligned with the Divine “abundance bank.”

Able to control your biggest dreams of who you are truly meant to be.

…and create a life full of passion, meaning, and purpose.

When Thomas stopped speaking, I was shaking with excitement.

Deep down, I knew this method would work…

That if I were simply willing to take the leap, I could have a completely different life.

Thomas leaned forward, looked me in the eye, and asked me a question I will never forget:

“Are you ready to start over again?”

“I’m ready,” I told him, my voice steady and determined.

Thomas immediately pulled a battered old disc player out of his fanny pack and handed it to me.

On it, he explained, was an entire disc of “songs” that were specially designed to eliminate any dark entities and fill up my depleted energy nexus banks.

He said that before long I could expect big things; I would start receiving cash from unexpected places, attract new, high-paying job opportunities, and even meet the person I was destined to share my soul, my life, and my love with.

He explained exactly how to use the tools he had given me, and then went on his way.

I was on my own in this, but I was determined to succeed.

When I got home, I wrote everything down on a little piece of paper and stuck it on the fridge.

It is kind of strange to think of it, because that note is still on my fridge today.

I never imagined just how drastically my life would change from that point on.

I laid down on the couch, put my headphones in both ears, and pressed play.

I was not sure what to expect, but almost immediately after turning on the audio I started to feel something… unusual.

It was a pleasant tingling… a knowing that tickled my senses and opened my soul to all the Divine possibilities I was meant to experience.

And a sense of calm, focus, and empowerment washed over me.

For the first few days, I listened to the audios, eager to see what would happen.

I did a session each night before I went to bed, and I swear I could feel something deep inside of me shifting.

On the fourth day of listening to the audios, I was walking through town when I had a sudden urge to turn down a tiny side street.

I almost ignored the urge but decided just this once to listen to my gut.

When I was about halfway down the street, I glanced up and noticed a “HELP WANTED” sign in the window of an insurance agency.

It seemed strange because I’d been all over town searching for a job, but I’d never noticed this street before.

I took a chance and walked inside.

An hour later I walked out… stunned.

I’d just landed a job that I knew I’d love.

I could work when and where I wanted, even from home.

They even offered to pay me my first check upfront so I could get on my feet in my own apartment.

And when I heard the salary I would be making, I was so stunned that I almost did a little happy dance – right there on the sidewalk.

That was the moment I knew my life had taken a different turn, making the life I was born to live entirely possible.

Each week brought a new change, and within a year my life was completely different.

But at night, I struggled.

When I tried to sleep, I could not help but think about all the people in the world who were still hurting.

Sure, I was doing well… but what about all the others who were struggling?

I knew there were hundreds, maybe even thousands of people who, through no fault of their own, were trapped in a never-ending cycle of failure like I once was.

I was convinced that even at rock bottom…

Feeling drained, depleted, and discouraged,

Trapped by fear and anger,

Imprisoned by a never-ending cycle of poverty and want,

I decided to speak to Thomas about it.

At first, he was hesitant, not wanting to be in the spotlight.

I reminded him of the countless people in the world who needed his help…

People who not only needed a change in their lives, but who were destined to help other people too.

I told him that if he could help even a few people fulfill their destinies, he had a moral responsibility to teach this life-changing program to the world.

And even though we knew the program was great, and that it absolutely worked, we knew we could improve it.

We tried out dozens of energetic combinations, digging deep into scientific research about sound healing.

We hired experts in the field to find the most powerful audio frequencies…

We then found leading experts on energy nexuses, sound healing, and manifestation, and put them together in a room.

And though the experience was challenging at times, I will never forget what it was like.

Our work together produced more than just the musings of a few people; it became a movement with the power and ability to change the world.

Because I have experienced first-hand what this life-changing program can do, I can honestly say that this program will not only transform your life, but also the lives of literally everyone around you…

The people you work with,

Even strangers you meet on the street.

Each person you impact will produce a ripple-effect, changing the…

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I Rented A House In An Straight Up Evil Portal | Vibration Leap is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Originally posted 2022-11-18 02:49:53.

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