Pet Rats – Guide to Easy Pet Rat Care and Training

Pet Rats – Guide to Easy Pet Rat Care and Training

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– By Colin Patterson

“My complete system will have your ratties trusting you as their close friend, doing neat tricks that impress your friends, and living as long as possible. Even if you’re almost never home, you’re a total beginner, and you don’t have time to read through volumes of time consuming material!”

From: Colin Patterson
Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Fellow Rattie Lover,

What first got me so interested in pet rats almost 3 decades ago was their amazing antics. How could so much personality be balled up in such a small animal?

How could they — unlike a lot of other small animals — be so genuinely caring? And have such a strong gleam of intelligence in their eyes? And make me laugh for hours watching them play?

When I first went to my friend’s house one day in 1978 to meet his pet rat, I wasn’t so sure, since I had preconceived notions about rats.

But then when his rattie grabbed my pant leg with his little paws, my heart melted. Then my friend told me that his cute little rat wanted me to pick her up…

I lifted her up high, and the fuzzy little rat nuzzled her nose into my ear and…

Since you’re at this page because you’re a rat owner or contemplating getting rats, I’m sure the story is similar for you.

Well, let me tell you… ever since my first acquaintance to rats, I’ve owned over 1,000 of these amazing animals. They have been great companions to me.

I learned everything I could about them, went into breeding, and compared notes with other respected rat breeders through the years.

For the past couple decades, I’ve been proud to do my part to help spread the popularity of pet rats. You might have heard me on the radio. (I’ve been a guest on many local interview shows on AM stations.)

I’ve even taken my trained rats onto local news shows in major markets such as Boston to show what my ratties can do.

And, as a breeder, I helped a lot of new owners of rats who’d just brought their ratties home. Because I’ve been in contact with rat experts and new owners, I’ve been a little saddened to discover that…

You see, while rats make remarkable pets and bring so much happiness to the people around them, they need the right kind of home. They need the right kind of care.

You need to do certain things to make sure they’re as healthy as can be.

You need to do certain things to make sure they’ve got the perfect living environment, that both challenges their curiosity and keeps them entertained.

You can easily prevent any behavior problems… if you know what to do.

You see, ratties also need the right kind of training. Train them correctly, and you will have so much fun (as will they!). That’s because, as you probably know, rats are very intelligent animals. That means they have the potential to not only be well behaved, but to do some tricks that will dazzle your friends and family.

And the problem is that there’s not a whole lot of information out there about pet rats. You go to the pet store, and you’ll find plenty of books on gerbils, hamsters, and even mice. But not rats.

So I decided to write the book myself.

Because you know what the best part about rats is?

You can have a great relationship with your ratties. You just need to know how.

Taking care of your ratties is easy and inexpensive. Pet Rats by Colin Patterson will show you how!

So I decided to package up my secrets in a guide that I call — what else? — Pet Rats: How to Easily Train and Care For Your Ratties…To Have a Happy Life Together.

Even though it’s concise — just 110 pages — it’s a complete guide. There’s not a lot of fluff or filler. Sure, you may find other books that take up space with pictures. Mine doesn’t. Instead it’s packed with useful information.

Plus I wrote it in plain, conversational English that’s easy to follow. As a complete system, it’ll reveal to you everything you need to know about your pet rats.

Here are just some examples of what you’re about to discover…

How to make your pet rats feel comfortable — not just in their cage, but in your home too! (Plus: how to make them comfortable cuddling with you, even if you’ve got a rat who’s the “stand offish” type!) (Page 51)

All of the health info you need to keep your rat healthy and living a long time. It’s all in my guide, formulated after nearly 3 decades of experience. There’s stuff in my guide that vets don’t even know. (By the way, imagine the money you’ll save if you can cut your vet visits down 90%…because you’ve got the all the information you need…right at your fingertips!) (Chapter 6)

How to introduce your friends to your pet rats so that they like your ratties every bit as much as you do. As you’ve probably noticed many times, a lot of people have prejudices about rats. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. (Page 52) For example, a lot of people don’t like the distinctive tails rats have. But use these 20 words, and you can make even your most squeamish friends comfortable with your rats. (Page 52)

Do these 8 specific things and even the shyest rat will start looking forward to your time together. (Page 50)

The #1 key that you MUST know about your pet rats. Apply this secret, and your rat will become as cuddly with you as even the most snuggly dog. (Page 63)

An easy step you can take each day that will prevent severe problems later on. (Page 55)

Four important rules you must heed to avoid keeping your small child from accidentally KILLING your pet rat. The most heart-wrenching experience you can ever has to walk into the living room to find your child screaming and crying because they played too roughly with your rat, killing it! It’s even worse when you know you could have easily prevented it following these simple steps. (Page 53)

The kind of cage that’s best for your rattie. (Page 29)

Find out the 7 “magic tricks” to keeping your little ones healthy throughout their entire lives. (Page 82)

Are you tired of clipping your rat’s nails — which often results in pain for your rat when you clip too much off (and hit a nerve)… not to mention stress for both of you? I reveal a much easier way to keep your rat’s nails trimmed. It requires NO work on your part, your rat loves it, and it’s very cheap. (Page 81)

How to train your rat to stand and walk on his hind legs. Your friends will be dazzled! (Page 69)

How to prevent bumblefoot, a painful sore that rats often get from their cages. (Page 94)

The special ingredient (mixed with water) that will prevent your little mischievous friends from chewing on furniture or wires when they’re out of their cage. (This tip can save their lives!) (Page 57)

Learn how to read your rat’s non-verbal body language. You’ll know exactly what your rat is trying to tell you, even though he can’t talk! (Page 19)

How to discipline your rats correctly, so that they’ll quickly learn when they’ve done something that you think is “not okay.” They’ll quickly learn what it means when you say “no.” (Page 58)

It makes cage clean-up much easier, giving you more QUALITY time to spend with your rat. Plus it gives your rats a more pleasant living environment, making them happy. I reveal the step by step instructions on page 50.

That’s just the beginning. You’ll also discover…

The stress-free way to handle your female rat’s pregnancy so that she gives birth and raises the healthiest babies possible. (Page 98)

Revealed: The number one reason your pet rat feels shy around you. (Page 50)

A checklist of things to take care of and think about before bringing home your pet rat. Even if you already have pet rats, this information will improve their lives dramatically. (Chapters 2 and 3)

The place you should never go to get a pet rat. (Page 15)

Get introduced to the different types of rats, to get an idea of what breed would be right for you. (Page 21)

How to travel with your pet rat. From my years of trial and error, you’ll learn to make your rat’s traveling experience as smooth as possible. (Page 77)

One of the most heart-wrenching injuries is when a rat’s tail comes off. You’ll learn what you can do to prevent it from happening, and what you can do about the injury to reduce your rat’s pain and keep him alive. (Page 93)

Toys you can make yourself (using common household items) that are simple, cheap, and that your rats will love. The money you save from these secrets alone are worth far more than the cost of this guide. (Page 38)

Which foods could poison your rat. It’s important to take note of these, because without knowing better, you might mistakenly think these are good for your rat. (Page 35)

If your pet rat escapes… set your mind at ease. There’s a no-hassle way to get your rattie to come back, and it works every time. (Page 75)

Two important things to remember about food and water that will prevent loads of rat illnesses. (Page 25)

Did you know that you can get your rat to come to you when you call… just like you can train a dog to do? There’s a special trick to it. (Page 67)

A little-understood secret that will keep your pet rat’s home free from odors and dust. (Page 42)

How to get your rat to WANT to exercise. It’s good for him and doesn’t need to be a chore. (Page 59)

The special ingredients, recommended by scientists, that can help you introduce your rats to other animals. (Page 49)

A handy chart showing the foods to give your rat in abundance, the foods to give in moderation, and the foods to avoid altogether. You won’t need to worry anymore about whether you’re feeding your rat nourishing foods, since you’ll know exactly what to give him. (Plus, even if your rat is finicky, you’ll have lots to choose from!) (Page 35)

Four tips you MUST follow to prevent your rat from overheating (and possibly DYING) on a particularly hot day. (Page 83)

The respiratory illness that affects both rat and human (and it can be fatal for rats!). Learn what to do if your rat comes down with it in order to save her life. (Page 88)

Find out what toys your rat loves. This is more important than you think, since the wrong toys can be harmful not only to your rat’s health, but to your furniture! (Page 38)

Are you or your family allergic to rats? You’ll discover the solution on pages 24 and 25.

Discover the best type of bedding to use. Materials used can make a world of difference when it comes down to your rat’s comfort level. But the freshness, absorbency, and ease of cleaning will vary from one material to another, so you’ll discover the pros and cons of each to discover winning combination for you and your little friends. The wonderful thing is that the best bedding material is inexpensive! (Page 32)

The secret to teaching your rats just about every trick, because it makes them want to obey you! Once you know this powerful secret, you’ll be astounded by how simple it is. (Page 63)

15 easy tips to make your house absolutely rat proof. (Page 55)

The minimum size a rat’s cage should ever be. Less than that, and your rat can become stressed out and aggressive. (Page 29)

A step-by-step guide for finding the right vet for your ratties. (Page 83)

Why it’s so important to never take your rat for a walk in the outdoors. (Page 60)

Complete how-to instructions to build a maze and five types of obstacle courses for your pet rats. The instructions are easy to follow, use common, inexpensive materials, and will have you laughing for hours at your ratties’ joyful antics as they run through your maze and obstacle course. (Page 71)

How to make your pet rat sit on your command. (Page 68)

How to groom your pet rat the correct way. Not only will this make her into a beautiful little rattie, but it will also be nice, special time you have together if you do it like this. (Page 79)

One of the main advantages of pet rats is that unlike with other rodents, it’s extremely rare for them to bite you. But there are 8 scenarios where they can become aggressive. See exactly how to handle them so that your rats never bite. (Page 46)

Do you know what the exciting part is? That you can be learning these secrets to having a healthy, happy, well-trained pet rat in just two minutes from now.

That’s because I’ve made my guide digital… which means you can have it instantly! There’s no need to wait day after day for a book to arrive in the mail. And there’s no need to wait in line at a bookstore.

Instead you’ll get immediate access to this…

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Pet Rats – Guide to Easy Pet Rat Care and Training is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Originally posted 2022-11-25 02:21:33.

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