Relief Breakthrough

Relief Breakthrough

Product Name: Relief Breakthrough

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Relief Breakthrough

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Relief Breakthrough is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


For some, CBD seems to be the holy grail… But for most, it falls well short of delivering
the results they want..

“Is something just wrong with me?” you think to yourself..

The truth is.. No, there’s a really simple reason why CBD doesn’t work for most people who
try it.. And you’ll learn why in just a moment…

But more importantly than that, it’s been revealed to us why the promise of CBD doesn’t
have to be a fairytale after all…

In fact, it actually can be life changing.. if you know this one… simple…

See… The CBD industry has a relatively unknown piece of information that I
don’t think they want you to know about..

But today, in an exclusive sit-down with a CBD industry insider…

That key piece of knowledge is finally being revealed…

My name is Mark Phillips and I have something that I feel the public deserves to
know about and I’m ready to get it off my chest..

To give you some insight, I’ve spent years helping generate millions of dollars for
countless CBD brands by manufacturing their finished products and becoming an expert in all things hemp.

A chance encounter with a fascinating scientist then humbled my perspective and changed
everything I thought I knew..

See the truth is.. The CBD industry has a key piece of information that I don’t think they
want you to know about.. And now that I know this truth, I can’t keep it to myself anymore..

More importantly, I also need to tell you what I learned from this world-renowned
scientist, and why he and other specialists are saying a “New type of CBD” is so significant…

And after chatting with him and finding this out .. It led to us throwing away half a
million dollars of CBD that we had sitting on our shelves…

I know.. yeah.. that sounds crazy.. but the reason why we did it is even more shocking and
once you hear me out I’m sure you’ll agree…

You see.. we were one of the first manufacturing companies to start working with CBD when
it first entered the scene back around 2015…

And over the next few years we became known as one of the largest and most recognized
manufacturers of CBD products in the U.S…

We traveled all over the country, year after year, attending all sorts of expos,
conferences, events, and business meetings..

We came to know a lot of big names in this booming CBD industry…

Being a big time manufacturer of CBD products, we were positioned right between the CBD
suppliers and the CBD brand owners…

So we knew every single trend before they ever hit the market…

Every advancement that was being made in the industry, we had access to..

Look, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get caught up in the excitement and hype of it all…

I mean, it was like a gold rush… and we were right in the middle of it all…

You see, time and time again, we showed all these other people how to create,
launch, and grow their CBD product lines…

We eventually realized that we could easily start our own brand… so we

And for a while, we continued to manufacture products for a lot of other CBD brands…

But here’s what’s disturbing…

We would always hear the owners of those CBD brands say how their products were better
than all the others..

But the truth was that they were all the same…

We knew this because we were the ones making the products!

So even through all this success, something never sat quite right with me…

I mean, here we were… selling all this CBD, everybody and their grandma seemed to want

But I never quite understood why…

Because it just never seemed to really do anything for me…

Even when I took higher doses like people would recommend..

I started thinking.. “Well, maybe it’s just me..”

I wrote it off to the idea that maybe I was already “healthy enough”.. That maybe I didn’t
have significant enough issues to notice any benefit from CBD…

But I came back to this same thought..

“Why don’t most people feel anything from CBD?

I mean, we already know this plant has extremely unique abilities… and comes
with such a rich history… and a legendary list of promises… “

It just didn’t make any sense, I don’t know, I really don’t..

But my curiosity eventually paid off…

So back in late 2020, we were at a CBD tradeshow and my business partner spoke with an investor who
had given him a business card and said “you need to talk to this guy”

And that guy ended up being a world class scientist that was into some pretty advanced methods of
increasing the effectiveness of natural ingredients..

This guy had been formulating nutraceuticals since

Years of working with dietary supplements!

Different products formulated!

Years of studying scientific advancements in supplements in Japan!

Dr. Tracy was his name, and his credentials were easily the most impressive I had ever
come across, and I had met a lot of experts and scientists in the industry already…

So after speaking with him the first time, it was pretty apparent that he believed him and his team
had discovered something very significant with CBD and had found a way to make it much more powerful…

So we were obviously super intrigued by this and we ended up traveling out there to meet with him
to understand this better and discuss the possibilities surrounding it..

And when we did, he made it very clear that we had to understand something else about the
hemp plant first.. before we could understand why this recent discovery even matters…

CBD and the other molecules from the hemp plant are unlike anything else we’ve
seen before…

They happen to be almost identical to super rare molecules produced by our bodies..
ones that fuel a complex system that’s related to proper functioning of our immune and nervous systems…
and it’s called the “endo-cannabinoid system”.

And that these “phyto-cannabinoids” from the hemp plant fit precisely into specialized
receptors throughout our entire body… just like keys into locks…

And when this takes place, the mind and body now have the ability to maintain a
perfect balance.. And when that happens, the possibilities and potential are truly endless..

Now I knew a fair amount about how CBD worked and why it was so unique before ever even
meeting Dr. Tracy…

But hearing it explained like this made me look at this plant a lot differently..

It’s almost like maybe it was made for us.. Like the hemp plant was designed somehow
specifically to help us keep this “cannabinoid” system within us topped off and operating in peak

See.. CBD is short for ‘canna-bid-iol’, and is a “canna-bin-oid”..
It’s one of the most abundant “cannabinoids” in the hemp plant, and that’s why people know about it..

But there’s actually over 100 different versions of these special molecules called
“cannabinoids” that exist in the hemp plant…

So when CBD first got popular..

People were using raw extract, containing all the cannabinoids, made from simply
squeezing hemp flower…

Similar to how olive oil is extracted from olives…

And this raw extract contained ALL of the cannabinoids, all 100 plus of these special

But as people found out that CBD had so much potential, the demand increased..

And new ways to increase the production and drive down cost were rolled out…

And then almost every company selling these hemp extracts figured out how to isolate
the CBD away from the rest of the cannabinoids..

They did this for a few reasons.. Mostly because it meant they could produce this new
pure CBD known as “CBD Isolate” more efficiently, quicker, and less expensive…

Plus, they now wouldn’t have to worry about the legalities of it having any THC in

On top of all that, it was also much easier to formulate products with…

And after all… “CBD” was the phrase that all the buzz was around, it’s what all the
demand was for…

So as good as everyone thought this was, ourselves included…

I learned from Dr. Tracy in that first conversation that there is a very big downside with

These cannabinoids are different from other plant molecules…

Not only do they specifically have their own unique characteristics and

But they’re much, much more powerful when they’re still combined with

Now as enlightening as this all was, it was kind of sobering for us as well..

Because all of our products for our brand..

That were already made… from CBD isolate..

He of course was right though, and as much that hurt to hear…

But it was something else we spoke about that day that would change everything for us..

He went on to tell me that he had spent the last 8 years studying some sort of
advancement he referred to as “nano-technology”…

Something he said would completely “change the way we view CBD forever”..

I was all ears at this point..

He said he wanted to learn this new technology from the best so he looked for the top
experts to study under..

But what he found was that nobody in the supplements world was even working with this type
of technology…

But he eventually ended up finding a few scientists that were already using it in the
pharmaceutical world..

And that was Dr. Robert Nicolosi, a researcher
at MIT with over 250 published white papers on nanotechnology…

Along with his research partner, Dr. Srikanth Kakumanu, who happened to be one of
the only other widely published experts on this rare technology..

I was now more intrigued than ever.. what could this nanotechnology do for CBD..?

“If done correctly, nanotechnology has the power to shrink the particle size of CBD and the
other cannabinoids1 to over 70x smaller than a single red blood cell2…”

“This all sounds amazing and everything, but how exactly does this make CBD work better?”

By reducing the size of the particles of an ingredient..

You can significantly increase how much the body would absorb it3..

CBD, for example, is only somewhere between 6 and 8% bioavailable..

Meaning that up to 94% of it doesn’t get absorbed and used by the body…

My stomach sank… you know the feeling I’m talking about..

I wanted to interrupt him to make sure I heard that right, but I let him continue..

These CBD particles tend to be too big to be absorbed by the body until they get
broken down in the digestive system…

And that’s where most of it gets destroyed, before the body can even use it…

We’ve done some initial trials here in the lab and we finally have a version…

That has now been stable for 3 weeks…

I finally did interrupted him..

Wait, so what do you mean by “stable”?

Well using the right equipment anyone can create a nano particle…

But because of the ionic charge in those molecules, they tend to want to cluster
together again..

And in a matter of minutes or a few hours, the product simply isn’t nano anymore..

…You must have the right compound, with the right solutions, with
the right stabilizers..

The formula is 80% of creating a nano-particle and the machinery is the remaining

Ok I was understanding now..

This was starting to get good…

So what makes this version 71A that you were able to get stable so special?

Does it double or triple the absorption rate or something?

The analogy he used made it so easy to understand…

Well imagine it like this.. normal CBD particles would be like
trying to throw a basketball through a chain-link fence… it simply will not go through.

But, nano-particles is like throwing sand through the fence, it goes
through effortlessly…

I had to stop for a second… I was amazed…

I want to make sure I heard you right…

That sounds almost too good to be true..

Wait a second, is this why I’ve never felt anything from taking CBD?

Unfortunately yes it is… but we’ve now figured out how to reach its full potential…

Why doesn’t everybody know this already?

Well, plenty of people know of its low absorption rate… people who study it at least..

If people take enough, it does work…

It would just need to be a whole bottle at a time to be effective since most of it
isn’t used by the body…

And that would get quite…

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Click here to get Relief Breakthrough at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Relief Breakthrough is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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