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This is probably the most controversial, yet Highly beneficial letter you’ll ever read…

Forget About “The Secret”, “Law of Attraction”, “Chakras”… They demand too much from you.

Death Scare Forces “Hard Luck” North Carolina Man To Discover The Easiest Way To Bend The Universe To Your Will And Achieve Any Major Goal In 45 Days or Less!

(The World’s “Most Influential Groups and Manifestation Gurus” Have Deliberately Kept This Secret!)

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As I turned the doorknob only to be met with an eerie silence…

I had no iota of a doubt my worst fear had finally come true.

And I wasn’t wrong at all.

I walked by the table where I found the note she left for me.

“I’m sorry, James, by the time you see this, I’ll be gone. I hate the thought of you being alone right now. But I can’t keep going on like this. The stress, worry and arguments had become too much. This isn’t the life we imagined together. I need a fresh start. We both do. I think in due time you’ll see this as the best decision for all of us. I hope one day you can forgive me.”

I fell to the ground and I curled up on the kitchen floor, tears streaming down my cheeks.

The muscles in my throat could barely move…

My body was overtaken by sadness and pain that won’t let go.

I had never felt so scared in my entire life.

My life is finally over and there is no mistaking about it.

I was just coming back from work with a heavy heart…

Thinking of the best way to let the cat out of the bag that I’d just been laid off…

I never expected to meet an empty home.

My wife and my beautiful daughter were gone.

I had never felt so alone in my 41 years of existence.

My health took a nosedive… 

I was feeling weaker and slipping off with each day that passed…

My life was in complete turmoil.

Not gonna lie, I had suicidal thoughts a lot of times.

Maybe I was better off just seeking peace in the grave.

Everything I cherished went really bad on my watch.

However, this is not a sob story – not by a long shot.

It was one of the most disturbing and horrifying experiences of my life…something that still gives me nightmares to this day.

However, it was at this same time I realized if I really wanted to live my life in abundance…

It was up to me to manifest it.

No one was coming to lend me a helping hand.

This is what sent me on a completely unexpected and life-threatening journey through the dark underbelly of the most powerful, most influential, and connected top-level groups in the world…

A journey that opened my eyes to the sick, predatory, and ultimately deadly secrets of these manifestation gurus with their long robes.

And that would eventually lead to the discovery of the “missing link” blocking you…

From bending the universe to create the perfect life in every dimension for yourself and those around you.

It’s a method that’s based on breakthrough research conducted by a team of neuroscientists at Emory University.

All it takes is a few focused minutes a day to apply these “secret principles” to remove these blocks stored in our DNA.

And you better believe it is something extremely easy to do.

 It doesn’t take hours and hours of dedicated practice or training. It’s something you can do almost instantly.

It’s not based on positive thinking… 

Or those long and complicated yoga, Crystals and Chakra-Specific meditation sessions that require a monk’s level of patience, dedication, and expertise “normal” people like us don’t have.

It’s crucial that you know that what you’re about to discover has been selfishly left out in The Secret and the Law of attraction.

Don’t be surprised if you find a few things counterintuitive.

Now in the following 5 minutes… 

I’ll tell you exactly how you can experience a full turnaround and flood abundance beyond bounds into your life…

Create unlimited wealth, health, and experience such a deep connection to your “source”.

Starting as soon as today…

No matter who you are or how old you are.

I’ll give you all of the research to support my claims…

And I’ll even show you the simple, inexpensive steps you can take right now to tap into the mother universe…

So you can watch your worries melt away like ice on a sunny day in Miami.

And see all you’ve always wanted magically materialize right in your presence.

Taking that long overdue vacation…

Total financial security so that you never pass another restless night wondering how you’re going to pay the bills… 

A luxury car that’s so new, that you feel intoxicated by the smell of fine leather every time you open the driver’s door…

A life with purpose, deeply connected relationships, abundant health, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

It’s important you read this message now while you still can.

Because as I write this…

A group of highly influential and dangerous people has taken offense in letting this secret out.

I have received multiple threats to pull it down… No kidding.

It’s not a matter of whether I can fight them off… they’ll always win.

The odds are in their favor.

It’s a question of how long would it take before they finally have their way.

They don’t want there to be more people like Jyoti Xander who says… 

When I first heard about your manifestation hack from a friend, I was highly skeptical about it. I thought it was just another overhyped manifestation trick from gurus.

After reading your message about how you got divorced, lost your job, your struggle with failing health, and all the scientific backings behind your solution. I decided to try it on my “unstable” business.

Well, I simply can’t believe how fast my business can be soaring again. It is the perfect solution for my business James! Thanks for sharing.

And Jessica Ryder who says…

“I used to live under constant anxiety with fears that kept me from reaching the state of abundance my soul yearns for.

Within just a few days of trying your manifestation method, all my worries have melted away. I feel very confident and optimistic. I no longer suffer from anxiety.

I go through each day feeling connected to my essence.”

Now I’ll give you all of the details on how it works in just a second. 

I know you’re probably curious who I am, and how I discovered a way to let all the negativity out of your life – 

and flood your body and soul with positivity and optimism.

Like I just mentioned, my name is James Irvine.

 I’m 41 years old and live just outside of Raleigh, North Carolina.

 It all started around one year ago. Back then my life seemed like it was on track. I had a beautiful wife and daughter, a nice modest home and a great office job at a bank a few kilometers away from my house.

But the truth is, underneath that surface, I was hiding a secret, something I was ashamed for friends and family to know.

Despite outside appearances, my finances lay in ruin. Each month was a heart-wrenching struggle just to keep food on the table for my family.

At times, I felt like I was sinking deeper and deeper into quicksand…soon my head was about to be swallowed whole.

I mean, it’s one thing to be young and struggling when you don’t have a family and your entire future is still ahead of you.

But as you start nearing 40, 50 and beyond, you begin feeling like time’s running out and your window to live your dreams is closing. 

Maybe you’re in a similar place right now.

You feel stuck, maybe even caged in by growing debt, a lack of income and few opportunities to get ahead. 

Even though you try to stay positive…

You often feel worried even guilty because you have little or no savings, no 401k and no college fund for the kids or grandkids. 

And without that cushion…

You live in constant fear because you know the next emergency is just around the corner.

If it’s not the car giving you trouble…

it’s the water heater or the air conditioner, or God forbid and unexpected medical bill. 

I mean, you can only go on living like that for so long before you feel completely drained and defeated. 

I remember when I first got married to my beautiful wife Jess and seeing the light in her eyes when we talked about our future. 

Just like any average family, our dream was to climb the corporate ladder and hopefully become financially free. 

But the reality was that climbing never happened. 

Heck, I’d barely gotten off the first rung and I could feel my lack of success was in some way pushing Jess away. 

She was withdrawing from our relationship. 

I feared I was going to lose her forever.  

This desperation and complete misery led me to begin working harder than ever to get ahead.

I started waking up at the crack of dawn to be at the office early. 

I was determined to be the first one in and the last one to leave.

 I worked as hard as you cannot imagine and forced my way to success. 

Then after months of 16 hour days, an opportunity for a big promotion opened up…

 I thought this was my break. 

After all that hard-work and late nights in the office, I would get rewarded, right? 

A few weeks later I was called in for a meeting where I was given the worst news in my career – I was being laid off. 

The only thing I couldn’t face were my wife’s eyes filled with tears and disappointment… 

This is what made me feel crushed.

 I always thought of myself as a superhero for the family…

But now I couldn’t even provide the basic needs for them.  

I didn’t have the smallest clue how we were going to make it…

But I still believed in all my heart that we get through this in a way or another. 

We always had. But this time, things were different. 

I came back home. I’m looking forward to my little girl running towards me…giving her daddy a big hug. 

But when I opened the door, I was met with an eerie silence. 

All their belongings are missing. 

And I got hit with a deep sinking feeling as I realize my worst fear is coming true. 

Then suddenly I see a note.

“I’m sorry, James, by the time you see this, I’ll be gone. I hate the thought of you being alone right now. But I can’t keep going on like this. The stress, worry and arguments had become too much. This isn’t the life we imagined together. I need a fresh start. We both do. I think in due time you’ll see this as the best decision for all of us. I hope one day you can forgive me.”

When I read those words, it felt like someone stabbed me with a knife right into my heart

I fell to the ground and I curled up on the kitchen floor, tears streaming down my eyes. 

My body is overtaken by sadness and pain that won’t let go. 

At that moment, I had never felt so alone in my entire life. 

I really thought my life was over. 

What’s the point of living without a family? 

Without the only people that actually care for you?  

Now, what happened next, I have no way to fully explain. All I can say is that…

As much as we may not feel like it, you are never alone.

The universe is always there to support you!

And when you’re ready, the right people will come into your life to guide you forward towards your destiny.

In my case that person arrived at the moment I needed it the most. 

After my wife left… I spent half of the time wallowing in self pity…

And the remaining… actively looking for a headway in life.

One day as I was drinking at the bar in my neighborhood as a new found habit…

I met someone I hadn’t seen in a long time, an old friend named Kevin.

Now he and I were a lot like each other… the same age, same neighborhood, similar education and both started working at the same company around the same time. 

But here’s the thing…

While I worked 16 hour days struggling to inch up the corporate ladder…

He seemed to “rocket at the top” with little effort. 

And nope, it wasn’t because he worked smarter than me. 

At first, that’s what I thought too… 

“Okay, he’s a very intelligent and smart person. 

This is why he is more successful than me. Simple” 

Nothing Could Be Further Away From The Truth!

Somewhere along the way I got the courage to ask the big question on my mind. 

“How’d you do it? What’s been your secret to success?” 

I told Kevin about everything I was going through…

My experience with guided meditation, chakras, yoga and all…

I told Kevin everything because I’ve had enough.

That’s when he drops a bomb.

He tells me that his life wasn’t always so easy. 

Growing up, he had a father who didn’t love or support him.

 After high school, he’d struggled to find work and just get by. 

But then one day, his life changed forever. 

He ran into a mutual friend of ours, a guy that went way back to our old neighborhood. 

Kev actually knew this guy better. 

Only this friend wasn’t like all the other guys who came from where we lived…

 He had quickly become a millionaire…

And probably the most shocking part was how he did it. 

As he taught Kevin, his success all came from some very powerful “secret principles” of manifestation that go way beyond the law of attraction.

A Discovery That Was Still Being Studied By Researchers At…

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Sales Landing Page – My Blog is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Originally posted 2022-11-22 03:38:11.

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