"REVERSE DIABETES TODAY" – Your Diabetes Cure – Official Website

"REVERSE DIABETES TODAY" - Your Diabetes Cure - Official Website

Product Name: "REVERSE DIABETES TODAY" – Your Diabetes Cure – Official Website

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From: Matt Traverso
New York, NY

Author and health expert,
Matt Traverso

Hi, my name is Matt Traverso and I’ve helped thousands of people treat themselves naturally after following my program, and right now I just want you to stop everything you are doing and focus 100% ​on this page.
Over the next few minutes I’m going to show you how you can effectively ‘reset’ your body’s ability to regulate your blood sugar, kick start your pancreas, and completely reverse your type 2 diabetes.

But first let me ask you some questions, Are You:

If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, you can rest assured that I am going to help you reverse and eliminate them from your life by using this simple, natural and easy-to-follow diabetes treatment with zero side effects. A research-backed program that has been proven to work better, faster and is cheaper and safer than prescription drugs.

Learn how to quickly normalize your blood sugar, fix insulin resistance, stop neuropathy pain, prevent blindness, amputations and other diabetes problems.
You’re about to find out how you can take your health back and free yourself from the shackles of constant blood sugar readings and daily drug regimens.
These are just a few of the thousands of success stories I receive daily from people whose medical results prove the effectiveness of this breakthrough program. They don’t have to take any more drugs, inject insulin or worry about horrible complications.

Thanks to your program on reversing diabetes I had tremendous changes in my life. After following your program for about 3 weeks I did a medical check-up and I was amazed by my lab results. My blood sugar is now perfectly normal as a healthy person. My doctor says that I am no longer diabetic, that I am free of diabetes and that I can stop all the medications. Matt I am deeply grateful to you for creating this fantastic program for everybody.

God bless your noble work.

I feel very fortunate and privileged to have found your nutritional program. I’m just astonished with the results! I was suffering from type 2 diabetes for many years. By following your program my blood sugar has come down to normal range, I have lost excess weight, I have all kinds of energy and I don’t take insulin anymore! My overall health has improved dramatically and I am more confident with my life – I finally feel like myself again. And the big plus is being off of all prescribed medications! You have been a blessing to me and my family.

I’m so glad I found your diabetes reversing method on the web. I have been a type 2 diabetic sufferer for years. Thirty days after following your program, I can report the following results:

Your diabetes reversing method has been a breakthrough and a true Blessing for my heath and well being.

Thanks to this diabetes reversing method, thousands of people like you have effectively treated their condition. That’s without taking any form of diabetes medications!

And while modern medicine is failing miserably to stop type 2 diabetes and to save patients’ lives, this new approach is achieving 100% success in getting patients completely OFF diabetes meds and related drugs — and back to a healthy, normal life.

This groundbreaking protocol, Reverse Diabetes Today (TM), is a clinically proven drug free system for reversing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

And chances are, you won’t hear or read about this system anywhere else, because it isn’t in the interest of pharmaceutical companies or medical professionals to inform you. “Why?” You might ask.

Because this scientific breakthrough is helping people get rid of their type 2 Diabetes and eliminate all medications.

How is that possible, you ask? “I thought Diabetes was not reversible?”

You’re right. At least, partially.

With traditional medicine, Diabetes will be a lifelong condition. Traditional medicine “fights” Diabetes through drugs that treat the symptoms of the disease, but never deals with the root cause of the problem.

In fact, doctors acknowledge they have no idea WHAT causes Diabetes – maybe a genetic defect – but here is a prescription for some drugs anyway. (sound familiar?)

Does that make sense to you? Why would you take drugs if doctors don’t know what Diabetes is, what caused it, or how to reverse it? Yet, people do just that for every physical condition, such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Cholesterol, Arthritis, And… Diabetes.

In the West, we have a high incidence of these diseases that practically don’t exist in “undeveloped” and rural parts of the world. This has been known for a long time, and for years, top leading scientists and microbiologists have searched for an answer.

Well they finally discovered the answer. They discovered that it is our modern lifestyle that is actively causing these diseases.

The body is designed to heal itself — provided it has what it needs to do its job.

And your diet is one of the major influences on your diabetes condition.

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “We are what we eat.” This statement seems to be closer to the truth when it comes to diabetics, than many people would imagine.

I’ll explain with a metaphor. Picture your body as a car, that was designed to function on all-natural, organic, fuel. The car is a living, breathing machine not unlike the human body. For 2 million years, this car has been using fuel such as:

water / seeds / nuts / grasses / grains / herbs / roots / fruits / vegetables.

THAT’S the fuel it is used to.

MOREOVER, THAT’S the fuel its entire system is based upon. It was MADE from that stuff.

Then, suddenly, after 2,000,000 years… that car switches over to – for the last 100 years – a new, modern mixture of:

sugar / sweets / biscuits / crisps / chocolate / coffee / coca-cola / fats & oils / cigarettes / alcohol / pharmaceutical drugs / chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives (loads of them) / etc.

What do you think would happen to this ‘vehicle’?


If you keep pouring in fuels that your body can’t process properly… then eventually your “motor” starts experiencing serious difficulties.

Some people develop tumours. Other people have Cholesterol levels that are through the roof. For you, your diet and lifestyle is causing you to damage one very specific organ called the pancreas… that happens to be responsible for producing and releasing insulin.

This organ has become so severely damaged by your diet, that it eventually produced less and less insulin until you were diagnosed with diabetes.

If you really think about it…

Diabetes is not a disease about not having enough “insulin”… but a disease of the organ that produces insulin: The pancreas !

And this condition is merely a “symptom” – an outward “signal” – of a damaged pancreas, or more specifically, the functioning of the cells that secrete insulin, the beta-cells. When these are damaged or cannot function, insulin resistance can develop leading to Type 2 Diabetes.

We’re not paying attention to the SOURCE of our problems and until we do, these problems are going to continue and even get worse.

Let’s look at what happens in our bodies. The pancreas is a vital organ in our body near the stomach. Its main job is to produce the hormone, insulin. Carbohydrates stimulate the secretion of insulin more than any other component of food.

Fast absorption carbohydrates (there are also slow absorption carbohydrates) in our food mean that the pancreas has to work hard, and thus produces more insulin. If the pancreas is over-stimulated over a long period of time, it just gets pooped out and slows down.

Your pancreas can also become compromised if it is overwhelmed by acids – acids not only from fast absorption carbohydrates we consume, but also from sugars, high acid forming foods, and fructose, as they keep going from the stomach directly to the pancreas.

When millions of people around the world start experiencing the same health problems (two new cases are diagnosed every 10 seconds!) something is seriously wrong. Something is unbalanced. And it’s never an “accident”.

What scientists have now discovered is… that the “Root Cause” of type 2 diabetes is your pancreas becoming damaged by inflammation brought on by poor eating and lifestyle habits — and many ‘natural’ foods loaded with MSG, GMOs and High Fructose Corn Syrup (all very common in our modern diets).

Most of the foods in our modern diet are full of ‘pancreas destroying’ acids, processed carbohydrates, trans fats, chemical additives, and refined sugars.

Because your pancreas is the next “link” after the stomach in the digestion “chain,” whatever you eat goes directly to this delicate organ… So instead of digesting food and producing insulin… your pancreas now becomes a “shock organ.” Which means… Your pancreas has to absorb and neutralize all the excess acids our modern diets dump into it.

This is when you developed “pre–diabetes”‚ and….

If you don’t stop the attacks on your pancreas‚ eventually you develop full-blown diabetes!

Our radical change in diet today (processed and junk food, high-calorie and low-nutrient foods, high acid forming foods, etc.) has actually transformed your pancreas into the “first line of defense” against acids, waste, and toxins that all of us ingest… and keep ingesting… each and every day.

The cells that are responsible for producing insulin ( they’re called “beta cells” ) are being damaged by an overdose of acids from our foods. This causes these cells to not function properly.

Simply speaking… Within your pancreas there are these cells called beta cells (β-cells). These are the cells that produce insulin. Normally, these cells release an adequate supply of insulin, raising their output in response to the increase in blood sugar that occurs after you eat.
As mentioned above, when we ingest all the poisonous foods which cause the blood to turn acidic, these beta cells are unable to do their job correctly. Obviously, with heavy demand on your beta cells from the acid in your system, your pancreas cannot function properly… In other words, when the acidity is in the pancreas — diabetes is the result.
Note that the cells in your pancreas are over acidic because of the food you eat, and the lifestyle you live.

Now here’s what’s exciting: As soon as these acids stop overflowing your pancreas, it gets a rest from constantly trying to absorb and neutralize them. Once you “cleanse” the pancreas from the overflow of acids‚ it starts to regenerate itself. It starts to recover and gradually…

It starts to rebuild the beta cells to their natural function of producing insulin.

Once you focus on the ‘Root Cause’ of your type 2 Diabetes — you instantly start seeing type 2 diabetes from a different perspective — instead of “medication” and “fighting the symptoms,” you start thinking about “Health” and treating the cause.

The simple and overlooked truth about type 2 Diabetes is that it’s infinitely more important to pay attention to what you put inside your body, than to have to deal with the symptoms that drugs can fight from the outside.

The thing to understand is that the sugars and the diabetes are actually two different things.

High blood sugar is only a symptom of diabetes, NOT the cause of the disease. The real heart of diabetes is Insulin Resistance, which cannot be cured by any drug in the world. Therefore, treating the symptom alone is useless! This is, unfortunately, the truth about the diabetes industry whose entire business relies on people taking more and more medications… with more and more side effects.

And that’s why patients on the conventional treatment for type 2 diabetes do not get better, they get worse with more and more severe complications down the road.

When you understand the actual disease, you can see why taking insulin and other medications that increase insulin is the worst treatment for type 2 diabetes. While the insulin lowers your sugars, it is actually raising your insulin resistance.

And insulin is the ‘fat-building’ hormone in the body, it causes weight gain. So here you are, looking to reverse your type 2 diabetes and lose weight, and at the same time you are being recommended by your health care provider a hormone that promotes weight gain. HOW INSANE IS THAT!!

So you take the medications as directed, but then gain weight, and as a result of the added weight your diabetes becomes worse.

The increase of body fat worsens diabetes by ‘clogging up’ insulin receptors and reducing the efficiency of insulin itself. Not to mention it puts additional strain on your heart!

The key is treating the root problem — insulin resistance — instead of focusing on controlling blood sugar levels — an outdated practice that puts patients at greater risk for heart attack and…

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"REVERSE DIABETES TODAY" – Your Diabetes Cure – Official Website is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Originally posted 2022-09-12 14:52:24.

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